Engaging with national technical guidance for Heat Networks

Now that I've got your attention!

Image: Max Fordham

The CP1 guidance is the industry's own document for improving quality & performance. It is a big topic and and its a very weighty tome to match. It is out to consultation for its second version*.

Last year, with my previous employer, I wrote a technical report on heat networks, focussing on how they could be improved. That is available here.

A few of the images from our report have made it into the new guidance consultation, and some of the changes are going in the direction we were hoping for, which is good to see. For example, more weight given to as-built testing & verification. But, I feel it could still go further.

In my opinion there are still relatively few hard numbers in the document; ie few defined targets to meet, or recommended ranges for Poor/OK/Good performance. This could limit the impact/usefull-ness of this guidance.

I'd like to see more numbers to be measured against. I'd like to see a strong recommendation for results to be shared publicly in a format that is transparent and comparable, especially if the scheme is publicly funded. This will highlight the good schemes and motivate the less engaged suppliers. Result is everyone wins!

*link here to the consultation docs


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